How BNI Transformed My Business: A Success Story of Networking and Personal Growth

Tony Meredith: Welcome to The BNI Effect, an opportunity where we talk to amazing BNI members about their BNI journey and also their businesses as well. My name is Tony Meredith, and ordinarily, I’m a business coach. Today, I’m excited to bring you yet another exciting interview. This is episode number 18, and today’s guest is Nick Hosking. Nick, how are you, mate?

Nick Hosking: I’m very well, Tony. Thank you for having me on.

From Transport to Digital: My Journey into Website Design.

TM: Thank you for being here. Why don’t we kick it off by you telling us a little bit about who you are and your business?

NH: Sure. I am the director of KN Website Design, a business focused on website design and SEO. Essentially, I came from a transport background, and my partner had been running her own businesses previously. She built her own websites with some training and assistance, and when I took some long service leave, she got me some training as well. We started the business based on that training.

TM: Right, so from transport to website design. Was the reason mainly because your partner was already involved in it, or did you have an interest in this field beforehand.

NH: I spent around 15 years traveling around Australia, driving coaches with passengers and tourists. It was just time for a change. I was in middle management, which I didn’t really enjoy. My partner introduced me to this, and I took to it like glue. The rest, as they say, is history.

How Joining BNI Boosted My Confidence and Business.

TM: Amazing. How long have you been in business now?

NH: Nearly two years.

TM: Terrific. When were you introduced to BNI?

NH: I was introduced after Christmas when I was doing a bit of a cold email and cold call campaign. One of those emails actually went to a member of BNI B2B, and she invited me along to see what it was like. As soon as I stepped into the chapter, I felt very comfortable. I had attended other networking events—both free and paid—but didn’t feel at ease. With BNI, the members were amazing and welcoming, and there was a great vibe in the room. I love it.

The Power of Networking: Turning Fellow BNI Members Into Your Sales Team

TM: So you knew that it was the right fit for you, like hand in glove?

NH: Pretty much, yeah. I walked out of that room, called my business partner, and said, “We’re joining.” Well, I’m joining, and I think I put the application in soon after that. I felt right at home in the chapter, and I still do.

TM: Excellent! So that’s approximately six months in the chapter now, give or take?

NH: Yes, I joined in February this year, and I’ve already seen massive growth in the business from that BNI input.

Personal Growth Through BNI: Lessons in Leadership and Confidence

TM: Let’s talk about that. How has BNI helped you from a networking point of view, and how has it influenced your business?

NH: A couple of weeks ago, I did a presentation on core values. One of the things I mentioned was how BNI has helped me grow as a person, particularly with my confidence. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to stand in front of a group of 20 people and talk about my business. Now, I can. I do education sessions, I’m on the membership committee, and I’m part of the visitor host team. I’m everywhere in BNI! It’s allowed me to grow, which in turn has made me able to confidently talk about my business, whether in BNI or outside at other networking events. I can now sit in front of people and say, “This is who I am, this is my business. Let’s talk,” instead of hiding in the background.

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TM: Be proud of your amazing business and let the whole world know. How does BNI specifically help with personal development, Nick? I hear a lot about that from others as well, so I’m keen to know how BNI contributed to your growth.

NH: One of BNI’s key teachings is to sell through others, not to them. I see my BNI chapter as my sales team—they go out and promote my business for me. Even if someone in the room, like a plumber, isn’t my ideal client, they may know someone who is, and they can refer them to me. So BNI has helped me grow by expanding my network. I’m just one person, but with the help of BNI, I essentially have 20 or 30 people promoting my business. It’s a great way to operate, and it works.

Leveraging BNI for Business Expansion: Virtual Offices and New Opportunities

TM: That’s a great point. Most people in business start off small and don’t have the financial resources to hire 20 or 30 salespeople. What a wonderful alternative BNI provides, where your fellow members essentially become your salesforce. And of course, it works the other way around too—you’re now out there looking for work for them as well.

NH: Exactly! It’s a model that works, and the statistics prove it.

TM: So, how do you measure your success in BNI?

NH: Initially, I joined to grow my business, but personal growth was also a goal. In terms of metrics, one referral can cover my yearly BNI cost, so it’s been financially worth it. There is a cost involved, but I believe that when you pay for something, you’re more likely to make an effort to ensure it works. There are plenty of free networking events, but when you invest a couple of thousand dollars, you’re going to make sure you get a return. That said, now I’m more focused on helping others in my chapter, knowing that the returns will come tenfold.

Tips for New BNI Members: How to Maximise Your Membership

TM: Outstanding! How has your business evolved since joining BNI, and what role has networking played in that evolution?

NH: Before BNI, we had some clients, but they were mainly at the lower end. BNI, particularly with its B2B focus, has introduced me to higher-quality, ideal clients. Networking, in general, has been key. Being visible, credible, and liked within the chapter has encouraged others to promote my business.

The Global Reach of BNI: Networking Beyond Your Local Chapter

TM: You’ve been with BNI for about six months now. What advice would you give to new members to make the most out of their membership?

NH: Just say yes. Opportunities will come up in BNI, and while your business should remain your main focus, if you can, get involved in the visitor host team, membership committee, or leadership roles. There’s so much you can learn within BNI. They provide access to education and resources that most businesses wouldn’t have otherwise. The weekly education pieces during the meetings are invaluable. I remember one session you did, Tony, about the “above the line, below the line” mindset. That changed the way I think about running a business. If you approach BNI with a positive mindset, you’re halfway there.

TM: That’s fantastic advice. What’s next for your business, Nick? Any exciting projects or opportunities on the horizon?

NH: Yes! We’re in the middle of creating a virtual office in Melbourne. I’m actually in Melbourne right now, laying the groundwork. We’re also actively looking to acquire digital agencies that may want to downsize or sell, so we can take over their customer base.

TM: How do you see your relationship with BNI evolving as your business grows?

NH: BNI will be a massive part of our growth strategy. Digital agencies don’t always sell through traditional channels like brokers, so I can use the BNI network to find businesses that may be up for sale. I also actively visit other chapters around Brisbane and Melbourne to broaden my network and make connections.

TM: That’s a great point, Nick. BNI is global, and even though your primary chapter is in Brisbane, you can visit chapters anywhere, like you’re doing in Melbourne right now.

NH: Absolutely! It’s amazing to have those conversations, and you never know where a simple conversation might lead. I remember hearing about a gentleman who visited a BNI chapter in India. He didn’t understand the language, but he still felt the energy and excitement in the room. The format is standard across the world, and the excitement of business is universal.

Conclusion: Embracing BNI for Business Growth

TM: If you could share one piece of wisdom with our listeners, whether they’re in BNI or not, what would it be?

NH: Have an open mindset. You get out of anything what you put into it. If you give 100%, you’ll get 100% back. Sometimes, if things aren’t working out, it’s not the system—it’s you. BNI has a proven track record, so if you’re not seeing the results, you might need to adjust your approach.

TM: Amazing advice, Nick. How can listeners learn more about you and your business?

NH: The easiest way is through the contact form on our website,, or you can email me at [email protected]. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.

TM: Excellent. Thank you, Nick. I really appreciate you being here. That wraps up another episode of The BNI Effect. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode, and a massive thank you to Nick Hosking for sharing his business journey and BNI experience. If you found today’s episode valuable, please subscribe to The BNI Effect and leave us a review. Until next time, keep networking, keep growing, and remember—your success is our priority here at The BNI Effect.

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